The Institute of Refrigeration to hold RACHP apprenticeship event
The IOR is to launch the new Refrigeration, Air conditioning and Heat Pump Engineering apprenticeship at London event
The Institute of Refrigeration will be launching the new Refrigeration, Air conditioning and Heat Pump Engineering Technician Apprenticeship scheme at a free-to-attend event in London.
The meeting will be held in March at the Royal Academy of Engineering in London and will involve a morning session in which experts explain the changes involved in the shift from the old Building Services Apprenticeships for the RACHP to the new Refrigeration, Air conditioning and Heat Pump Engineering Technician Apprenticeship.
The new apprenticeship is to begin in September 2016 and will focus upon the primary scientific technology of the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumping industry, and its knowledgeable application.
Each apprentice will be individually assessed by industry experts and they must meet the expected standards in order to receive their apprenticeship certificate and work as a certified engineering technician. After the successful completion of the apprenticeship, the newly qualified engineering technicians can apply to the Institute of Refrigeration for an Engineering Council Registration.
The event is open to employers and anyone involved in RACHP workforce training. If that includes you, the IoR invites you to: “come along to this launch meeting to find out how the new Apprenticeship was developed, how it will differ from existing schemes, what the new more involved role of the Employer will be, and what support will be available to providers with new qualifications and template guidance materials under development.”
The meeting is to be held on March 11 and will begin at 9am at the Royal Academy of Engineering at Prince Philip House, in London. The session will end at 11:40, after which refreshments will be available and the chance to network.
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